Bedbug Extermination Guide for your Apartment

Bed Bug Elimination

Those of you familiar with bedbugs, you must also be familiar with how much a nuisance they are. And as such, although many developed nations claim to have eradicated the parasite after World War II with the development of DDT, a common synthetic pesticide, the truth remains otherwise. It is alarming to know that bed bugs are nowhere near extinction and the infestations are finding a rise owing to travel and long or frequent stay in hotels, hospitals, buses, and shelters.

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If you live in an apartment and want to get rid of bed bugs, given below is an easy ‘Do it yourself’ guide in ridding yourself of this nuisance.

But before you begin, check every nook and corner, part and piece of your apartment that is capable of housing these insects. Bloodstained blankets, bed sheets, covers and red welts on your body are sufficient to confirm that your apartment is already on the siege.

Bedbug Extermination Guide

  • Remove all bedding materials, your clothes, stuffed animals and everything that can be cased or packed into plastic garbage bags.
  • Use high temperature in your steam cleaners and steam the isolated packages and all other areas spotted in the inspection.
  • If you spot any live bedbugs, then use a hairdryer on the highest setting and kill them.
  • Wash and then dry the packages with bedding materials and clothes at high temperatures and kill the pests.
  • Repeat this process once a week until you are sure that the pest elimination is complete.

Professional Help

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Bed Bug Solutions

If the above process could not eliminate the parasites completely, you may resort to professional help. Hire a Brisbane Bedbugs Control professional who can inspect the apartment or house you live in and collect all your furniture, clothing, bedding materials and everything in packages and move them into another room that is free of infestation, preferably your living room. If you have any unused electric outlets, leave them uncovered and stay away from your apartment for the next 5 hours to let the extermination work. If you or any of your family members suffer from heart conditions or other health issues, avoid the worked-out area for longer.

You might have searched the question, ‘How to get rid of Bed bugs’ a number of times to get innumerable results. But it is wise to experiment methods, if not all, the ones that best suit your case. We can also eradicate fruit flies in the kitchen

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