Home Remedies to Getting Rid of Mice

While mice are certainly a part of the world’s food chain, they are a problem for homeowners everywhere. Where’s there’s one, there are usually many more and they reproduce so quickly, it’s hard to keep up! However, if you’re looking for home remedies to get rid of mice, you’ve come to the correct place. Here are the top five home remedies and why each one is effective.

Peppermint Oil

Mice have a very aware sense of smell. There are several odors, which are not unpleasant to humans but will send mice rushing out the door. One of these is peppermint oil. You can find it at some grocery stores, but most health stores carry it as well. Make sure you buy only the 100% pure kind and not an extract. This doesn’t mean you have to find the most expensive bottle available, just one that says 100% on the label.

Soak several cotton balls with the peppermint oil and place them in areas with high mouse activity. This might be behind appliances, in the cupboard, or in the closet. The mice will quickly vacate the areas, as they do not like the odor. It’s safe for children and pets, too.

Fox Urine

While this sounds very unpleasant, it’s one of the most effective home remedies to get rid of mice. You don’t have to try and collect a urine sample from a fox either! It’s sold in spray bottles at most hardware and home improvement stores as best mouse repellents. Foxes are predators of mice, so one whiff and the mice are sure to be on their way off the premises.

Cayenne Pepper

This spice has a potent smell and it will send mice away. If the mice walk through the powder, they are also likely to ingest it when grooming. In most cases, however, the mice will smell it long before they walk through it. It only takes a half a teaspoon or so in key locations to send the mice on their way.


Yet another odor that mice hate. Many people plant onions around the base of their foundation as a means of keeping the mice at bay. While mice will certainly make a dinner out of many fruits and vegetables, onions are the exception. The strong odors can keep mice out of your home, but you may not want to place the onions throughout the interior of your home. It could be rather smelly!


This is truly a mouse’s nemesis. While not every homeowner will want a cat in the house, some people believe that the reason why cats were domesticated in the first place was to control mice. One of the most effective techniques on how to get rid of a mouse, cats can also add problems. Many people are allergic or frightened of these animals and let’s face it – some cats think that catching mice is simply beneath them! If you’re not quite ready for the live version of “Tom and Jerry,” then perhaps you should use one of the other home remedies to get rid of mice!

Get Rid of Mice Tips

Many of today’s mice repellents are focusing on more environmentally friendly products. There are sonic repellents and new traps available that are suitable for families with pets or small children.

Take care not to place too many different odors to repel mice in one location. One may block out or mask another odor, or they can mingle to produce one odor that isn’t as effective. Try one remedy at a time.

Cleanliness is probably the most important part of getting rid of mice, keep your counters, cupboards, and floors free from crumbs and other enticing tidbits.

If you want to know more about home remedies to get rid of mice from the house, get in touch with a professional Pest Control Ballarat company. Now! We can also make a hotel free from pest.

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