Intelligent Insect Control for Homeowners

As you most probably already know, insects exist in huge numbers and diver­sity, the reason why there is virtually no plant or animal or household product that is not attacked by a whole complex of insects. Insects show an incredible ability to re­produce and some are even known to breed without the benefit of male fertilization. It has been estimated that under ideal conditions, a single housefly pair can produce nearly 200,000,000,000,000,000,000 descendants in a single year. Pretty scary would say. As such, increasingly, intelligent Pest Control in Delacombe is becoming something of an essential consideration for homeowners as well as scientific researchers.

Insect Control by Exclusion

If you don’t want your residence infested, you will need to make sure you build the insects out of your house. This is much easier said than done. To build insects out, you will need to inspect your place for cracks and crevices leading to the exterior. When you are quite sure you covered everything, use either a metal plug or caulk to seal the entrances. Don’t attempt to use plastic or even wool for caulking. The materials will prove to be ineffective for the simple reason that most insects feed on these things. You will also need to screen your windows and doors. When looking for the possible entrances around your possessions, make sure you pay particular attention to where your utility pipes rest.

Insect Control by Habitat Modification

Insects thrive in moisture and darkness so for efficient and intelligent insect control, you will make sure your house remains cool and dry at all times. Move your furniture around to make sure light reaches every square inch of your home. Repair or replace damaged pipes and foundations. You will also need to maintain a good sanitation level and if you suspect an insect infestation, you will need to clean more often than you do in normal circumstances. Insect control is a systematic process more than anything. Modify the habitat of the insects and they are bound to leave your home for somewhere quieter.

Insect Control by Chemicals

Last but not least, insects are known to be highly resilient creatures. It’s all good to build them out and modify their habitats but unless you kill the existing colonies in your home, you will not see yourself getting rid of the insects in your home anytime soon. For insect control, pesticides come quite specific so there is no such thing as a general-purpose insecticide that will be effective against all types of insects. For instance, you can’t use an insecticide meant for fire ants to kill aphids as simple as that. Treatment products for insect control can be bought from a variety of sources online. Make sure you read the labels of whatever you wish to buy carefully before proceeding to the checkout. Check out our article titled where do termites live in comfort.

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