How to Eliminate Gnats In Your Home

If you are thinking of ways on how to get rid of gnats in your home, you should first make sure in which particular place in your home gnats thrives.

Gnats can usually be found on houses that have a garden; especially homes wherein there are lots of plants and fruit-bearing trees. It is because the adult gnats feed on rotten fruits while their larvae feed on plant stems and roots.

The problem arises when these little pests infest and thrive in the home most especially in unattended food items. A lot of people complain about these irritating gnats that fly around you and on food items placed on tables and around the kitchen.  

It is therefore important especially for owners of homes with backyards to learn how to eradicate gnats in your house to ensure that the gnats’ population can be completely wiped out and also to prevent future infestation.

Steps on How to Get Rid of Gnats in Your Home

The first thing you should do to eliminate gnats in your home is to look where they are present. This is true because the process of eliminating the gnats present inside the home is different from the process of eliminating the gnats outside the home.

For Gnats Inside the House:

1. Prepare the following materials: vinegar, soapy water, water bottle or soda bottle and plastic wrap for covering;
2. In a bowl, mix the vinegar with the soap water;
3. Transfer the mixture in the water bottle or soda bottle and then shake the mixture to make sure that the walls of the bottle get wet by the mixture;
4. Bore some holes on the plastic about the size of a gnat; and
5. Place the bottle near the place where the gnats are frequently going.

After placing the bottle trap in the area where these little pests frequent, they will eventually get attracted to the vinegar and try to get inside the bottle. Unfortunately for them, they will surely have a hard time getting out since the walls inside the bottle are also covered with the mixture such that when the gnats stick to it, it will be having difficulty in flying and eventually will drown in the mixture.

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For Gnats Outside the House:

Outdoor gnats are usually found feeding on rotten fruits on the ground or on stems of plants. For gnats feeding on rotten fruits, one can just spray an insecticide while they are feeding to kill them. For gnats found on plants, the best thing to do is isolate the infested plant and then cover the topsoil with sand. Covering the soil with sand will prevent adult gnats from laying eggs there since they prefer a moist environment.
Another option you can do is to put an apple cider vinegar or wine in a small bowl near the infected plant to trap the gnats.
So if you are worried about these pests, you now have the knowledge on how to get rid of gnats in your home. All you need to do is to choose and follow from which among the two ways is applicable. For more info about gnats, call Fly and Mosquitoes Control Brisbane professionals. Our experts can do insect control for homeowners.

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