Figuring out how to get rid of mosquitoes will,
unfortunately, never be an easy process. Mosquitoes tend to make their way into
our homes during the warm months and impact us by leaving us with small, itchy
bites or worse, deadly diseases. Fortunately, for you and me, there are some
great tips for getting rid of mosquitoes. Throughout this website, we will help
you figure out how to get rid of mosquitoes properly.

What are Mosquitoes?
Mosquitoes are small insects that are typically under 0.6
inches long. They are capable of flying and tend to thrive in hot, humid
weather. While their life span is short (males live roughly one week while
females can live up to one month), their damage can be amazing.
Both male and female mosquitoes tend to live off of nectars
for survival. However, as we all know, mosquitoes also enjoy human blood. What
most don’t realize is that mosquitoes don’t need blood for survival. In fact,
male mosquitoes don’t even swallow blood. It is the female mosquitoes that you
will find biting you. The females will drink your blood to provide protein to
their eggs. Believe it or not, the female mosquitoes don’t use your blood for
their own survival.
The reason why a mosquito bite is so itchy is that the
mosquito must insert a bit of their saliva into your bloodstream in order to
extract your blood. This mosquito saliva has a negative reaction with your
bloodstream, causing it to itch.
Mosquitoes and Diseases
Mosquitoes are best known for carrying the diseases of
Yellow Fever, Dengue Fever, and Chikungunya. It was once rumored that
mosquitoes can also carry the HIV virus, but this has safely been disputed by
authorities. While HIV is out of the question, mosquitoes are still some of the
deadliest animals alive. Authorities estimate that mosquitoes cause more than 2
million deaths per year across many different countries. Africa is hit the
hardest with roughly 700,000 deaths per year.
How to Get Rid of Mosquitoes Naturally
rid of mosquitoes without the use of sprays or insecticides will be
difficult. However, there are some steps you can take to figure out how to get
rid of mosquitoes naturally. The first thing you should do is to limit the
nectar-based flowers within your home. Mosquitoes will naturally be attracted
to the nectar smell and taste. Along with this, try to eliminate any floral
scents within your home. Anything from perfume to scented candles to scented
sprays will attract mosquitoes. Next, look into making sure that the air within
your home is constantly moving. You may use a fan or a strong air-conditioning
to ensure proper circulation of your home’s air. With air constantly moving
around you, mosquitoes will stay away from you. You can have a similar effect
by simply moving around. If you are moving, it is harder for the mosquitoes to
reach you and drink your blood.

How to Get Rid of Mosquitoes With Mosquito Traps
Getting rid of mosquitoes with purchased products is usually
the way to go is you have a serious mosquito problem. You may get anything from
a mosquitoes spray to a mosquito trap to an insect zapper to eliminate your
mosquito problem. Insect spray is great for any travel that you do in mosquito
populated areas, but it would become a major nuisance to spray yourself on a
daily basis. Instead, we find that mosquito traps
provide the greatest defense against mosquitoes. The mosquitoes will naturally
be attracted to the trap and will be trapped instantly. You won’t have to do
anything on your end to make this happen. If you would like to make an insect
zapper effective for mosquitoes, you can place a nectar-based product on the
Hire Professionals
To get rid of mosquitoes from your house or garden, you should call Brisbane Fly and Mosquitoes Control professionals. They will make your home free from mosquitoes. We can eliminate gnats in your home.